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Knitting pattern: Five Finger Puppets

These and other finger puppers are given to little patients at the IWK Health Centre after they have their blood drawn or at the reception area when they come in for a doctor’s appointment.

The pattern is available as a print version in .pdf format.

NOTE: Photo tutorials for Bunny, Puppy, Princess, Dinosaur and Owl provide step-by-step illustrations.

Sizing tip: if your puppets seem too small, use a larger needle size.
Free videos
for I-cord, grafting, and three-needle bind-off techniques are available at

Materials:  worsted weight wool or soft acrylic (scrap yarn), 3 mm (US#2 1/2) double-pointed needles, tapestry needle, a cotton ball (for stuffing).


k = knit
p = purl
sl (slip) = transfer a stitch from the left-hand needle to the right-hand needle without knitting
k-tbl = knit through the back loop
kfb = knit a stitch through the front and back loops which results in two sts on the right-hand needle
BO = bind off
sts = stitches


Loosely cast on 12 sts. Distribute sts evenly on 3 double-pointed needles (4 on each), and join, being careful not to twist.

Rnds 1-14: Knit.
1st ear is worked flat on 4 sts. Row 1 starts at the beginning of Rnd 15.

Row 1: K4 sts on the 1st needle. Turn work. (Leave the remaining 8 sts on needles 2 and 3.)
Row 2: sl1, k3.
Rows 3-8: rep from Row 2.
Row 9: sl1, BO1, k2. (3 sts)
Row 10: sl1, BO2. (1 st)

Cut yarn leaving 90 cm (1 yrd) tail. It will be used for grafting the top and knitting the second ear. Fasten off the remaining st. With a tapestry needle,  thread yarn along the ear’s edge and close the gap by threading yarn through the sts at the ear’s base.

Grafting the top: Using Kitchener st graft the top using 2 sts on each needle.

2nd ear: Transfer remaining  4 sts onto one needle and work second ear same as first, except work the first st as k1-tbl.  Please see face instructions at the end. Weave in ends.


Loosely cast on 12 sts. Distribute sts evenly on 3 double-pointed needles (4 on each), and join, being careful not to twist.

Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: Purl.
Rnds 3,5,7: rep Rnd 1.
Rnds 4,6,8: rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 9: Knit.

Divide stitches between 3 needles (6-3-3), first 6 sts will form the face.

Rnd 10: K6, p6.
Rnds 11,13,15,17: rep Rnd 9.
Rnds 12,14,16,18: rep Rnd 10.

Redistribute stitches between two needles, 6 sts on each. Bind off using a three-needle bind off. Please see face instructions at the end. Weave in ends.


Loosely cast on 12 sts, leaving a 30 cm (12″) tail for the bunny’s tail. Distribute sts evenly on 3 double-pointed needles (4 on each), and join, being careful not to twist.

Rnds 1-14: Knit.

1st ear is worked as an I-cord on 4 sts.

Row 1: K4, do not turn, slip sts back to left-hand needle. (Leave the remaining 8 sts on needles 2 and 3.)
Rows 2-6: rep Row 1.
Row 7:
K2tog 2 times. (2 sts)
Row 8: K2tog. (1 st)

Cut yarn, leaving 90 cm (1 yrd) tail. It will be used for grafting the top and knitting the second ear. Fasten off the remaining st. With tapestry needle, thread the yarn through the ear going inside the i-cord.

Grafting  the top: Using Kitchener st graft the top using 2 sts on each needle, 4 sts remain.

 2nd ear: Transfer 4 sts onto one needle and work second ear same as first.

Tail is worked as a bobble on 3 sts.

Hold a puppet upside down with bunny’s back facing. With cast-on tail yarn, pick up 1 st in the middle, going through a stitch above the cast-on edge. Work this st as follows:

Row 1: K1, yo, k1. 3 sts on the needle.
Row 2: Knit.
Row 3: Purl.
Rows 4-5: rep Rows 2-3.
Row 6: K3tog. (1 st)

Fasten off remaining st, attach the top of the tail to the Bunny’s back using a tapestry needle. Please see face instructions at the end. Weave in ends.


Loosely cast on 24 sts with main colour. Distribute sts evenly on 3 double-pointed needles (8 on each), and join, being careful not to twist.


Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: Purl.
Rnd 3: K2, k2tog 8 times. (18 sts)
Rnd 4: K1, k2tog 6 times. (12 sts)
Rnds 5-7: Knit.
Rnds 8-15: K1, p1.
Rnd 16: Kfb. (24 sts)
Rnd 17: Bind off 24 sts. Fasten off the last st.

Neck and head:

With contrast colour, pick up 12 sts from the inside of the dress, 4 on each needle.

Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: K2tog 6 times. (6 sts)
Rnd 3: Kfb around. 12 sts on the needles.
Rnds 4-8: Knit.

Insert a small piece of cotton ball for head stuffing.

Rnd 9: K2tog 6 times. (6 sts)
Rnd 10: K2tog 3 times. (3 sts)

Using tapestry needle, thread yarn tail through remaining sts and pull tight. Weave in ends. Please see face instructions at the end.


Loosely cast on 12 sts. Distribute sts evenly on 3 double-pointed needles (4 on each), and join, being careful not to twist.

Rnds 1-14: Knit.
Rnd 15: K2tog 6 times. (6 sts)
Rnd 16: K2tog 3 times. (3 sts)
Rnd 17: K3tog. (1st)

Spine plates are worked flat on 4 sts each using short rows.

Pick up 11 sts going down  the dinosaur’s spine, 12 sts on the needle.

1st plate:

Row 1: Sl1,*k1. Turn.
Row 2: K1, p1. Turn.
Row 3: Sl1, k2. Turn.
Row 4: K2, p1. Turn.
Row 5: Sl1, k3. Turn.
Row 6: K3, p1. Turn.
Row 7: K1, BO 4 sts. (1 st)

Work 2 more spine plates starting with *. BO all sts of the last plate, fasten off the last st and secure it on the ‘forehead’. Weave in ends.

Facial features:

Puppy’s face

Puppy’s eyes and a mouth are made with 3 basting sts (Fig. 1). The nose is made with three parallel horizontal  basting sts (Fig. 3).

Owl’s face

Owl’s eyes are made with 8 chain sts that form an octagon (Fig. 4). The beak is a single chain st (Fig. 2).

Bunny’s face

Bunny’s eyes and nose are made with 3 single duplicate sts.

Princess’ face and hair

To make hair, wrap the yarn around the back of her head by threading it with a tapestry needle through 6 stitches on each side of her face (Fig. 5). Her tiara has a headband shape made of 7 chain sts (Fig. 4). Princess’ eyes are made with 2 short basting stitches and her mouth is made with a duplicate st.

Dinosaur’s face

Dino’s eyes are made with 8 chain sts that form an octagon (Fig. 4). The nose consists of 2 single chain sts (Fig. 2).

Have fun!

4 thoughts on “Knitting pattern: Five Finger Puppets

  1. Saw a message on facebook yesterday that you need puppets so I have made 35 so far.

    A simple change to the basic pattern on the IWK web site to make pumpkins is to knit in orange for 11 rows then switch to green knittin 1 row followed by the knit two together row then a do a row of knit 2 together, use darning needle to bind of the 3 stitches. Use embroidery thread to make triangle eyes and nose.

  2. i’ve made 2 princesses and they turned out well. I just made the dragon and it turned out well also. I did need 13 stitches for the spines and it would be nice to point out “make sure to start ata the * for ribs 2 and three.” Thank you for the great patterns.

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